
. . . and tomorrow we spro!

Finished the first of three, eight-hour trainings sessions with BCR in San Jose today. I am SUCH a coffee geek! I love learning about the art and craft of coffee, and tomorrow is hands-on training, which I am so damn excited about!

I realized today that while I respect and need to understand coffee roasting and coffee tech (ie machines, grinders, their inner workings and mechanics), my real passion and interest is in the barista. I love the idea that I am the last hands the coffee touches on its long, complex, political journey to the cup. I want to convey my respect and adoration for all the work, care, attention and love that went into each bean to the customer receiving the awesome final product.

7 days, 11 hours, 35 minutes until the NWRBC!!

1 comment:

  1. I have to agree with that guy - what the ?? Glad you're having such a great time with the training - betting you'll be beat after 3 days (once you come down from the caffeine high, that is).
