
On the eve

So, Christmas Eve, huh? Christmas and Thanksgiving seem like they should be switched this year, because I find myself counting my blessings today. I get a lovely, lively little visitor this Christmas in the form of Frida, J's dog, while J stays at her dad's house and recovers from her accident. I didn't realize how much I missed her until she got here :)

I started and finished my first scarf yesterday, it's a gift for my friend S. I can see why my mom and sister like knitting so much. It takes thought, yes, and a certain nimbleness in the fingers, but it's also a great form of meditation. I find myself blocking everything else out and just seeing the next stitch. When you're finished, it's a physical representation of the time and love you put into it, even if it's just a scarf.

So this Christmas, as I look back on 2008, I'm thankful for my
old friends
new friends
old friends made new
bank account
and . . .

Portland-Tacoma in 12 days!!

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