
New Beginnings, Second Chances

I am so fucking grateful for reprieves, however they show up. I loved moving down to SCz and starting a new life because it felt like a chance at a new beginning - a nearly clean slate that I was dying to mark up with pretty colored chalk. I knew I was the same person as when I left, but the opportunity to practice all the life skills I've learned in the last few years in the forging of this new life is rare, and I appreciate it.

In learning these life skills, I've become so grateful for second chances. As I told a friend recently, the big lesson I'm learning is I can't be a complete bitch to people and expect no reaction; though I've always said I know that the world doesn't revolve around me, and prided myself on that self-awareness, my ego still has a tendency to speak for me when its hurt, which leaves those on the receiving end just as confused and hurt as me. So when I fuck up, its such a blessing to get a second chance, and I'm done screwing those up, too.

So here's to a new year, a new stage, a new perspective and a new outlook, and may all of these continually grow and change, cuz I like when life keeps me on my toes!

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